Industry Track
The industry track is traditionally composed of roundtables, with several themes discussed during the three-day event, such as market, domestic production and international games, publishing, experiences and post-mortens, government and public policy.
Taking advantage of the event's location in the federal capital, will open the track with the Roundtable on Government Incentives, with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) the Ministry of Culture (MinC), the Ministry of Communications (MC), the Ministry of Education (MEC), the Brazilian Association of Developers of Digital Games (Abragames) and Association of Commercial, Industrial and Cultural Games (Acigames).
Our keynote speaker, Jorjani Shams (Paradox Interactive) will speak about the relationship between publishers and independent studios. Among the Brazilian speakers and panelists, we will have Tiago Appella (Wooga), Mark Venturelli (Critical Studio) with “Publishing Experience”; Gus Fune, with “The Brazilian Games Media”; Sabrina Carmona (MagoLab), with “Experience of a Brazilian Indie studio” and André Faure (Attractive), with “Niche or Pop? The Games in the Era of the Casual”.
The SBGames Panel “Indie: Postmortens” has always been a reference for small and independent developers. The panel is a space open for indie studios who made beautiful work throughout the year. On the panel this year, Bruno Mikoski (Monster Juice), Bruno Bulhões (Aduge), Amora and Santo (Miniboss) and Hugo Guilherme Vaz and Mazzaro (Behold Studios) will bring some of their experiences in the production of an indie game.
A novelty of this edition is the beginning of the academic area of the industry track. The organization of industry track of SB Games 2013 edition has partnered with Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE, published by FGV-EAESP), in which the top papers of the track will be designated to a special forum on Digital Games. RAE is the first Brazilian scientific journal in the area of business administration, is rated A2 at Qualis/CAPES (March/2012) of the business administration area, and has its Impact Factor JCR-2011 in 0213, the highest among all Brazilian Journals.
Within this context, we organized a table with the theme "Perspectives for Research on Digital Games Industry Studies". The goal is to expose and discuss the potential contribution of several areas that are studying the creative industries and digital economy, in order to identify the main issues that can be addressed in future research. We have three invited papers: "Policies for the Games Industry: a preliminary analysis" by Emanoel Querette, Esteban Clua, Paulo B. Tigre and Silvio V. A. Araújo, "Production and Operations in Digital Games: Overview and Perspectives" by David Noboru Nakano, Luiz Ojima Sakuda and Ricardo Nakamura, and "The digital economy and the market for mobile games", by David O. Lemes, Fernando C. Tomaselli and Saulo Camarotti.
In February 2011, the BNDES launched a public call for the purpose of financing a scientific research that consolidates information about the games industry and contribute to the design of instruments and actions of industrial and technological policies for the sector. The beginning of the research, that will be conducted by a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional team (USP, PUC-SP, UFRJ, UFBA, UNEB) led by Prof. Afonso Fleury (USP), is scheduled for the first half of 2013. One of the researchers of the team, Luiz Ojima Sakuda (USP) will speak about the research project.
Roundtable on "Investors Angels" opens up a space to discuss this growing movement in the creative and technology based industries, which are the angel investors. The idea is to allow developers and researchers discuss and offer comments on this increasingly common relationship between these companies and small investors.
We would like to thank the following people who have mobilized to support this track, as reviewers, future authors and panelists for the track, and that are not present in the lineup this year: Adolfo Melito, Afonso Fleury, Alvaro Cavalcanti, André Ofenhejm Mascarenhas, Artur Mittelbach, Daniel Calife, Gilson Schwartz, Homaro Lima, Ivelise Fortim, João Henrique Ribeiro Ranhel, John Mattar, João Ricardo Bittencourt, Jose Henrique Cordeiro, Juliano Alves, Lidia Goldenstein, Luiz Carlos Petry, Lynn Alves, Marcos Cardoso, Marta Correa Machado , Pollyana Mustaro, Reinaldo Ramos, Roberto Bernardes, Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, Sandra Garcia, Teresa Peres, Tulio Soria and William Francini.
Fred Vasconcelos (Abragames)
Saulo Camarotti (IESB / Behold Studios)
Luiz Ojima Sakuda (USP)
Industry Track Chair’s, 2012
A economia digital e o mercado de jogosDavid O. Lemes (PUC-SP), Fernando C. Tomaselli (FGV_EAESP), Saulo Camarotti R. B. (IESB/DF)
Produção e Operações em Games – Visão Geral e Perspectivas
Davi Noboru Nakano (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica), Ricardo Nakamura (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica), Luiz Ojima Sakuda (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica)
Políticas públicas para a indústria de games: uma agenda para o Brasil
Emanoel Querette (UFRJ), Esteban Clua (UFF), Paulo B. Tigre (UFRJ), Silvio V. A. Araújo (UFBA)