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Desktop Category:

1 - Tanks
Douglas Ribeiro        
Pedro de Sousa Cau R. Salles        
Rafael Daigo Hirama        
Bruno Henrique Oliveira Lima        
Francisco Fábio Teixeira Lima        

2 - RC Motorboat Chapter Unisinos Lake
Mateus Winter

3 - Dirty Racers
Erick Baptista Passos

XNA Category:

1 - Hero
Daniel Ribeiro Pires

2 - iCoco
Andre Petris Esteve
Claudio Georgete Neto
Guilherme Lunhani
Miguel Gaiowski
Fábio Reis
Vitor Augusto Wolf Antonioli

3 - XNA Fps
Bruno Pereira Evangelista
Alessandro Ribeiro da Silva
Carlos Augusto


Desktop Category:

- Mini-Pod Races
Rodrigo Brambilla

- Dirty Racers
Erick Baptista Passos

- RC Motorboat Chapter Unisinos Lake
Mateus Winter

- Sokoban Allegro
Heitor Adão Júnior
Rudimar Luis Scaranto Dazzi

- Tanks
Douglas Ribeiro        
Pedro de Sousa Cau R. Salles        
Rafael Daigo Hirama        
Bruno Henrique Oliveira Lima        
Francisco Fábio Teixeira Lima        

XNA Category:

- XNA Fps
Bruno Pereira Evangelista
Alessandro Ribeiro da Silva
Carlos Augusto

- iCoco
Andre Petris Esteve
Claudio Georgete Neto
Guilherme Lunhani
Miguel Gaiowski
Fábio Reis
Vitor Augusto Wolf Antonioli

- Hero
Daniel Ribeiro Pires

- Go To
Henrique Schlatter Manfroi
- Procurando Lemo
Marcela de Almeida Barros
Luiz Henrique Siqueira Felix
Juliana Martins de Oliveira
Cierre Lucatelli
Valdiana Lopes de Almeida
Caroline da Silva Rodrigues
Francisco Igor Parente de Freitas
Leandro da Silva Taddeo
Carlinha dos Santos Fujiwara

- Encaixa 3D
Edson Mattos
Bruno Rabello


Each game should be obligatory submitted in one of these categories:

        * Desktop: games for desktop, without using XNA technology.
        * XNA: games for desktop, using XNA technology.
        * Mobile: games for mobile devices (cell phones, palms, etc)

The games will be judged for a technical jury and a popular jury.

The popular jury are formed by the visitors votes at SBGames. The games could be played at the festival.

The prizes defined at the moment are exclusive to the XNA category:

First place:
- Graphic card series 7000 or 8000
- 1 net license
- Creators Club subscription
- 2 game pads

Second place:
- 1 net license
- Creators Club subscription
- 2 game pads

Third place:
- Creators Club subscription
- 1 game pad
Chair: Rodrigo "Spy" Domingues (Hiperespaço Logicware) - lordspy <at>
Local chair: Mauricio Gehling (UNISINOS) - mbg3dmind <at>
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