: SBGAMES 2010 - Welcome! :

SBGames is the most important research and development event in the area of electronic games and digital entertainment in Latin America, joining scientists, artists, designers, professors, students, research centers and the games industry. This symposium is sponsored by the Special Committee on Games and digital entertainment of the SBC (Brazilian Computing Society) and ABRAGAMES (Brazilian Association of developers of video games). The event is also supported by RBV (Brazilian Visualization network). SBGames 2010 is organized by UNIVALI (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí) in Florianópolis city.

Currently SBGames is composed of four tracks (Computing; Art & Design; Industry; Games & Culture); two festivals (Independent Games Festival and art Exhibition) and tutorials. Computing, games & Culture and Art & Design track present papers, posters and tutorials, and the Industry track offers panels and talks. The Independent Games Festival presents functional games prototypes in a informal section dedicated to innovation, technique, imagination and emergent new talents. The Art Exhibition presents game concepts, storyboards, experimental game concepts and electronic game art, in a variety of media formats.

The ninth edition of the conference will be held at Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, at the Bristol Castelmar Hotel, from November 8th to 10th, 2010 and will focus the discussion at the following theme: "Games on the net". Following the world tendency, it is intended to think over the relations between these genre of games and the social networks, as well as the different tribes that appear in the network tinfluenced by the games and how the industry shapes itself to answer the tendencies.

Florianópolis, November 2010.

Rudimar Luis Scaranto Dazzi - Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali)
Chair of SBGames 2010