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Important Dates
Paper submission deadline
July 31st, 2020
Extended deadline
August 10th, 2020
August 12th, 2020
September 4th, 2020
September 8th, 2020
Camera-ready submission deadline
September 18th, 2020
Authors registration deadline
October 2nd, 2020
November 7th to 10th, 2020
Forum on Grand Research Challenges in Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil (2020-2030)
The Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) published the “Grand Challenges in Computer Science Research in Brazil” based on a series of seminars. The effects of such strategic action have inspired different Computer Science communities towards the identification of specific research challenges. In this context, the establishment of a common view on the theoretical and practical challenges in the field of Games and Entertainment Computing is currently required as a strategy for driving efforts regarding the existing problems faced by the Brazilian researchers and practitioners.
After almost 20 years of SBGAMES, with the aim of identifying research opportunities for the next ten years in the field of Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil, this year’s edition presents a forum for discussions towards the Grand Research Challenges in Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil – GranDGamesBR – organized by Prof. Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO) and Prof. Marcelo Hounsell (UDESC). GranDGamesBR Forum aims to prospect research questions that will be important to the science and the country for the next 10 years (2020-2030), including challenges to both academia and industry as well as multidisciplinary actions regarding (but not limited to) the following topics of interest:
- Computing
- Education
- Culture
- Arts and Design
- Industry
- Healthcare
- Others
GranDGamesBR Forum comprises the following phases:
Phase #1: Submission of proposals: researchers and practitioners should prepare their proposals based on aposition paper presenting Games and Entertainment Computing challenges (DOUBLE-BLIND REVIEW);
Phase #2: Forum at SBGAMES 2020: accepted proposals must be presented at the forum at SBGAMES 2020in order to promote discussions and articulate sessions with groups of relevant challenges;
Phase #3: Invitation of Chapters: after discussions with SBGAMES community during the forum, challengesconsidered as relevant will be selected and authors will be invited to submit chapters that contextualize, motivate,justify and open opportunities based on the discussions in the forum to be part of a digital book (only authors whoattend GranDGamesBR Forum at SBGAMES 2020 will be eligible to this phase).
GranDGamesBR Forum starts with the Phase #1. Proposals must explain at least the following items: (1) the proposed challenge; (2) its relevance to the national and/or international context; (3) its related SBGAMES track and/or real initiatives (if applicable); and (4) its mechanisms for evaluation over time.
Proposals must be submitted via JEMS and must follow SBGAMES template available at the left menu of this site. A position paper proposal must have 3 to 4 pages (ATTENTION TO PAGE LIMITS). All submitted proposals must remove the identity of the authors: both author names and affiliations must be omitted as well as other information that allows their identification such as institutions, universities, projects etc. (DOUBLE-BLIND REVIEW PROCESS). Each paper will be analyzed by a specific committee and the selected proposals should be presented at GranDGamesBR Forum by at least one author registered for SBGAMES 2020.
According to SBC, the characteristics of a Grand Research Challenge are:
- It must be directed to significant advances in the field (and to the science);
- It must be more comprehensive than works/results developed/reached by a conventional research project;
- Its progress must be able to be accomplished and evaluated in an incremental way;
- Its success must be evaluated in a clear, objective way;
- It should be multidisciplinary in nature, as well as in the solution possibilities;
- It must emerge from a scientific community consensus to serve as a reference for a long period of time.
GranDGamesBR Forum Chairs
Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos – UNIRIO – Brazil
Marcelo da Silva Hounsell – UDESC – Brazil
For additional information, reach us:
GranDGamesBR Committee
Adilson Vahldick | UDESC |
Adriana Soares Pereira | UFSM |
Alan Henrique Pardo de Carvalho | Fatec São Caetano do Sul & Faculdade Impacta |
Alberto Raposo | PUC-Rio |
Alessandro Vivas | UFVJM |
Alex Gomes | UFPE |
Aline Nagata | USP |
Aline Silva | UCS |
Ana Beatriz Bahia | IFSC & Casthalia Studio |
Ana Paula Bacelo | PUCRS |
André da Cruz | CEFET-MG |
Andréia Formico | UNIFOR |
André Freire | UFLA |
André Kawamoto | UTFPR |
Andrey Pimentel | UFPR |
Antonio Apolinário Jr. | UFBA |
Augusto Baffa | PUC-Rio |
Awdren Fontão | UFMS |
Bernardo Aguiar | UNISINOS |
Célio Santana | UFPE |
Celso Alberto Saibel Santos | UFES |
Claudia Werner | COPPE/UFRJ |
Crediné de Menezes | UFRGS |
Creto Vidal | UFC |
Cristiana M. Assumpção | Colégio Bandeirantes |
Cristiano Tonéis | FIAP |
Cristina Mesquita | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança |
Daniel Muller | Faculdade Monteiro Lobato & Conexum |
Daniel Paiva | UFF |
Daniel Ribas | Universidade Católica Portuguesa |
Davi Viana | UFMA |
Edilson Ferneda | UCB |
Edirlei Soares de Lima | Universidade Europeia |
Edson Pfutzenreuter | Unicamp |
Eduardo Albuquerque | UFG |
Eduardo Aranha | UFRN |
Eduardo Barrére | UFJF |
Eleandro Maschio | UTFPR |
Eliane Pozzebon | UFSC |
Eliseo Reategui | UFRGS |
Ellen Francine Barbosa | ICMC/USP |
Emanuel Coutinho | UFC |
Esteban Clua | UFF |
Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal | UNIFESP |
Fabiana Cecin | N/A |
Fabiana Peres | Unioeste |
Felipe Breyer | IFPE |
Fernando Teubl | UFABC |
Fernando Trinta | UFC |
Gabriel Aprigliano Fernandes | IFRJ |
Gilson Cruz Junior | UFOPA |
Heder Bernardino | UFJF |
Helton Biscaro | USP |
Ilana Concilio | Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado |
Isabel Nunes | UFRN |
Isabela Gasparini | UDESC |
Ivan Mussa | UFRN |
Joaquim Cavalcante-Neto | UFC |
João Luiz Bernardes Júnior | USP |
Jorge Barbosa | UNISINOS |
Jorge Martins Rosa | Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
José Gilvan Rodrigues Maia | UFC |
José da Silva Júnior | IFRJ |
José Remo Brega | UNESP |
Julia Stateri | Senac Campinas |
Juliana Bueno | UFPR |
Lúcia Lemos | PUC-SP |
Leandro Silva Galvão de Carvalho | UFAM |
Letícia Perani | UFJF |
Licinio Roque | University of Coimbra |
Liliane Machado | UFPB |
Luciano de Medeiros | UNINTER |
Lucila Nascimento | USP |
Luis Rivero | UFMA |
Luis Filipe Teixeira | CIAUD |
Luis Paulo Mercado | UFAL |
Luiz Chaimowicz | UFMG |
Luiz Adolfo Andrade | UNEB |
Lynn Alves | UFBA |
Marcelle Mota | UFPA |
Marcello Thiry | UNIVALI |
Marcelo Fardo | UCS |
Marcelo Guimarães | UNIFESP |
Marcelo Vasconcellos | Fiocruz |
Marcelo da Silva Hounsell | UDESC |
Marcos Borges | Unicamp |
Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes | UNIRIO |
Maria Augusta Vieira Nelson | PUC Minas |
Maria José Rodrigues | IPB |
Mark Joselli | PUCPR |
Maurício Piccini | JETTA Educa |
Oscar Mealha | Universidade de Aveiro |
Patrícia Gouveia | Universidade de Lisboa |
Patricia Jaques | UNISINOS |
Pedro Amado | Universidade do Porto |
Rafael Araújo | UFU |
Rafael Dubiela | UFPR |
Rafael Wild | UTFPR |
Raul Busarello | Universidade Anhembi Morumbi |
Rômulo Silva | Unioeste |
Rodrigo Bonacin | Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer |
Rodrigo Santos | UNIRIO |
Rogerio Garcia | UNESP |
Rosa Maria E. Moreira Costa | UERJ |
Rosilane Mota | UFMG & PUC Minas |
Rudimar Dazzi | UNIVALI |
Rui Lopes | Polytechnic Institute of Bragança |
Sílvio Cazella | UFCSPA |
Selan dos Santos | UFRN |
Simone Vasconcelos | IFF |
Soraia Musse | PUCRS |
Suely Fragoso | UFRGS |
Tadeu Classe | UNIRIO |
Tiago Silva | UnB |
Valdinei Freire | EACH/USP |
Vanessa Andrade Pereira | UNIFESP |
Vera Werneck | UERJ |
Versuti Andrea | UnB |
Victor Sarinho | UEFS |
Victor Stroele | UFJF |
Wallace Lages | Virginia Tech |
Windson Viana | UFC |
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@SBGames 2020