Jointly with
SVR 2019
This is an international section of the conference, only avaliable in english.
Esta é uma seção internacional da conferência, apenas disponível em inglês.



Full Papers

Primeiro Lugar

Towards Machine-Learning Assisted Asset Generation for Games: A Study on Pixel Art Sprite Sheets

Ygor Rebouças Serpa, Maria Andreia Rodrigues

Segundo Lugar

Procedural Generation of Quests for Games Using Genetic Algorithms and Automated Planning

Edirlei Soares de Lima, Bruno Feijó, Antonio Furtado

Terceiro Lugar

An Architecture for 2D Game Streaming Using Multi-Layer Object Coding

Diego Barboza, Debora Muchaluat-Saade, Esteban Clua, Diego Passos

Short Papers


Data mining 7 wonders, the board game

Joaquim Assunção (UFSM)
Gabriel Pereira (UFSM)
Julia Gabriela Santi Acosta (UFSM)
Rafael Bettker (UFSM)
Lana Rossato (UFSM)



Guilherme Novaes Ramos (UnB)

4 revisões aceitas e realizadas no prazo com uma quantidade de caracteres acima da média e praticamente sem discrepância de notas em relação aos demais revisores (em cada artigo). 

Submitting papers to the Computing Track

You can submit your paper to one of two sections of the SBGames 2019 Computing Track:

Main Section

This is the traditional full-paper section of SBGames. We invite contributions on all aspects of Computing for Games and Digital Entertainment. Manuscripts must be written in ENGLISH, up to 10 pages long (manuscripts with more than 10 pages will be liable to summary rejection). All contributions must be original, unpublished work. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through JEMS system.

The accepted papers will be published online on the SBGames 2019 web site and presented at technical meetings called Main Sessions. Also the papers are published through a Conference Publish service. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their works to special issues of some prestigious jornals. These journals will be announced soon. The extended manuscripts will be submitted to a new reviewing process. SBGames conference chairs encourage authors to improve their extended versions based on feedbacks received from the conference participants and session chairs. In 2019, the SBGames Computing Track will have a special technical meeting for the papers on computer graphics.

If your manuscript only explores shallow aspects of computing then you should consider submitting to other SBGames tracks. Therefore, papers addressing game design, specific-style games, soundtracks, and digital art should be submitted to SBGames Arts & Design Track. Papers related to any cultural or social aspect of digital games should be submitted to the SBGames Culture Track. Papers on education should be submitted to SBGames Education Track. Papers addressing management, business, organizational, operational, public policy, economic, and geographic aspects of the industry should be submitted to the SBGames Industry Track. In case of doubt about which track to submit, please contact Program Committee Chairs.

Authors must adhere strictly to the Anonymity Requirements described below.


The manuscript must strictly follow the IEEE style templates detailed here.

    •    DOC file – Microsoft Word
    •    Latex file
    •    Copyright File

Please do not reuse IEEE formats of previous SBGames conferences. Any deviation from the IEEE format will be liable to summary rejection of the manuscript, because inadequate formats (even with minor deviations) compromise the entire publishing process.

Important dates:

  • July 08, 2019 July 15, 2019 (Hard Deadline) – Submission deadline
  • August 23, 2019 August 30, 2019 – Notification of decision
  • September 2, 2019 September 9, 2019 – Camera-ready due

Posters Section

This is the traditional short-paper section of SBGames. The short paper should be written in ENGLISH, up to 4 pages (short papers with more than 4 pages will be liable to summary rejection). Short papers describe the authors’ ongoing research and should include at least one student as an author. The short papers are published online in the SBGames Proceedings of SBC (ISSN 2179-2259). The presentation includes an oral presentation at the Fast-Track Session (2min/paper) in Portuguese (English is optional). Also a poster (written in English) must be displayed at the Poster Exhibition area. Posters must fit in a space of 95cm (width) x 210cm (height). The authors are encouraged to be in front of their posters occasionally, to interact with the conference participants during the intervals between sessions.

The Posters Section is of utmost importance to SBGames. Indeed, the SBGames conference is designed to stimulate students, because they are the future creative forces that will change the industry and research in games and digital entertainment.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through JEMS system.

Authors must adhere strictly to the Anonymity Requirements described below.


The manuscript must strictly follow the IEEE style templates detailed here (same as Main Section).

    •    DOC file – Microsoft Word
    •    Latex file
    •    Copyright File

Please do not reuse IEEE formats of previous SBGames conferences. Any deviation from the IEEE format will be liable to summary rejection of the manuscript, because inadequate formats (even with minor deviations) compromise the entire publishing process.

Important dates:

  • July 08, 2019 July 15, 2019 (Hard Deadline) : Submission deadline
  • August 23, 2019 August 30, 2019 : Notification of decision
  • September 2, 2019 September 9, 2019 : Camera-ready due

Anonymity Requirements

Once the review process of submissions will be double blind, authors must prepare their manuscripts without including any indication of their identities, previous published papers/products, or institutional affiliations. Author’s identities will be tracked only by the submission system, and visible only by one the track Chairs. The program committee members and referees who review the paper will not know the identity of the authors.

Full-Paper Presentations

The oral presentations must fit in 15 minutes, with additional 3 minutes for questions (additional 2 minutes are reserved for preparation and announcements). Slides must be in English. Also, the oral presentation should be in English. Portuguese is allowed only if all members of the audience are Portuguese speaking persons (this condition will be checked by the session chair).

Registration and no-show policies

  • A paper (full or short) of any Section to be published must have at least one of the authors registered.
  • Every FULL PAPER accepted (by the Journal Section or Main Section) must have attached to it one UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE registration of any kind (student, full, …).
  • SHORT PAPERS are free from the exclusive registration.
  • The oral presentation is mandatory for a paper (full or short) to be published. This presentation may be made by one of its authors or by another registered participant. In the case of the Journal Section, the presentation can be made through a video sent at least 72 hours in advance to one of the Computing Program Chairs (and the question-and-answer session will be done by videoconference, depending on the network conditions).

Chair: Carla Denise Castanho (UNB)
Chair: André Tavares da Silva (UDESC)

Reviewers – SBGames 2019

Alberto Raposo, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Amyr Borges Fortes Neto, PUCRS, Brazil
Andre Tavares da Silva, UDESC, Brazil
Anrafel Pereira, UFJF, Brazil
Antonio Apolinário Jr., UFBA, Brazil
Augusto Baffa, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Beatriz de Almeida Pacheco, Mackenzie, Brazil
Bruno Feijó, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Carla Denise Castanho, UnB, Brazil
Cesar Pozzer, UFSM, Brazil
Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, UFSC, Brazil
Claudio Jung, UFRGS, Brazil
Creto Vidal, UFC, Brazil
Cristiano Costa, Unisinos, Brazil
Edilson Aguiar, UFES, Brazil
Edirlei Soares de Lima, Universidade Europeia, Portugal
Eduardo Albuquerque, UFG, Brazil
Eduardo Damasceno, UTFPR, Brazil
Esteban Clua, UFF, Brazil
Fabiana Cecin, N/A, Brazil
Fabio dos Santos Gonçalves, USS, Brazil
Fernando Teubl, UFABC, Brazil
Fernando Trinta, UFC, Brazil
Flávio Coutinho, CEFET-MG, Brazil
Glauco Todesco, Fatec Itu, Brazil
Guilherme Ramos, UnB, Brazil
Harlen Batagelo, UFABC, Brazil
Heder Bernardino, UFJF, Brazil
Ilana Concilio, Instituto Eldorado, Brazil
Isabela Gasparini, UDESC, Brazil
Jó Ueyama, USP, Brazil
João Marcelo Teixeira, UFPE, Brazil
João Paulo Silva do Monte Lima, UFRPE, Brazil
Jorge Barbosa, Unisinos, Brazil
José Guedes dos Santos Júnior, UFRPE, Brazil

Jose Remo Brega, UNESP – Bauru, Brazil
José Saito, UFSCar/FACCAMP, Brazil
Josemar Souza, UNEB, Brazil
Judith Kelner, UFPE, Brazil
Lauro Kozovits, UFF, Brazil
Leandro Motta Barros, Unisinos, Brazil
Liliane Machado, UFPB, Brazil
Lucas Pagliosa, USP, Brazil
Luiz Chaimowicz, UFMG, Brazil
Luiz Gonçalves, UFRN, Brazil Marcelo da Silva Hounsell, UDESC, Brazil
Marcelo Guimarães, UFSP, Brazil
Marcelo Zamith, UFRRJ, Brazil
Marco A. G. de Carvalho, UNICAMP, Brazil
Marcos Wagner Souza Ribeiro, UFG, Brazil
Marcus Lamar, UnB, Brazil
Maria Andreia Rodrigues, UNIFOR, Brazil
Mark Joselli, PUCPR, Brazil
Paulo Bressan, Unifal, Brazil
Paulo Pagliosa, UFMS, Brazil
Roberto Bianchini, USP, Brazil
Robson Lemos, UFSC, Brazil
Rodolfo Migon Favaretto, PUCRS, Brazil
Rodrigo Bonacin, CTI Renato Archer, Brazil
Rogerio Garcia, UNESP, Brazil
Selan dos Santos, UFRN, Brazil
Sérgio Pellegrino, ITA, Brazil
Shin-TIng Wu, UNICAMP, Brazil
Soraia Musse, PUCRS, Brazil
Victor Sarinho, UEFS, Brazil
Vinícius Cassol, Baby Owl Studios, Brazil
Vitor Oliveira, UnB, Brazil
Wallace Lages, Virginia Tech, USA
Windson Viana, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Brazil
Ygor Rebouças Serpa, UNIFOR, Brazil